Compressed air and fluid distribution systems

The Sicoair line offers all the components for the realisation and maintenance of a fluids distribution plant. The line is composed by four different series and a wide range of completion accessories that guarantee versatility and adaptability to any context.

From the easy-to-use and safe push-fit fittings of the SK series, to the standard fittings of the SR series. From the traditional coated aluminium pipes and the anodised aluminium standard profiles, to the innovative high performance profiles of the SA series and those of the multifunction S2 series

Besides the 4 main series, Sicoair is completed by a full range of accessories and tools to best organise the working environment. The eight sections of the Completion components of Sicomat offer everything useful to realise a new plant or to expand an existing one.

SicoAir Line/Media and catalogues

Explore all the Sicomat product lines in a virtual application environment. With the Sicomat Virtual Showroom, you can find out every single detail using your smartphone or from the comfort of your PC.

SicoAir series

Sicomat, Sicoair Line - SK Series. aluminum pipes and quick push-fit fittings


Push-fit fittings

Sicomat, Sicoair Line - SR Series. pipes, profiles and fittings for compressed air


Standard fittings

Sicomat, Sicoair Line - SA Series. High performance square pipes


High performance profiles

Sicomat, Sicoair Line - S2 Series. multifunction system with double distribution duct


Double distribution line

Sicomat, Sicoair Line - Completion components, Items and tools for distribution lines



Items and tools for distribution lines

Esempio applicativo della linea Sicomat, SicoAir Line con ogni sua singola serie installata in un ipotetico ambiente di lavoro